Saturday, July 5, 2008



©Rev. Bro. W. P. Phillips 2008

all rights reserved



CANNABIS: PROVIDED BY GOD, PROHIBITED BY MAN represents a celebration of God and the gift of cannabis according to Scripture (Gen. 1:29, Psa. 104:14, et al). The creating of this art entails incorporating cannabis leaves into a cross-section of media and formats, i.e. paintings, collage, video.

In 2002 a Hamilton Spectator interview included reference to and a photo of these works. The collection was displayed at the Grand Opening of Hamilton’s Up in Smoke Café (2005); my role at the Cafe was resident artist.

According to Scripture, I stand on Rights as inalienable as the air breathed. Anywhere a Bible can be found in a Court of Law, any judge in the land could easily verify this. Scripture also tells me as a creature of God, I am bestowed, as we all are, with aptitudes, talents, if you will, to enhance in some portion that which honours God and benefits others. The reward is commensurate with the doing; the celebration is Gods’ blessings bestowed.

Art is defined (WordWeb) as the creation of significant things. What could be more significant than expressing a proclamation from God by utilizing that which is PROVIDED BY GOD yet wrongly PROHIBITED BY MAN as the very means of repugning the err of prohibition? For me CANNABIS: PROVIDED BY GOD, PROHIBITED BY MAN best exemplifies that which honours Scripture (hence God) by proclaiming a message for the healing of the nations.

PROVIDED BY GOD supporting material will be located at Qâneh Bosm in the Holy Bible

[PLEASE NOTE: Qâneh Bosm in the Holy Bible is A WORK IN PROGRESS and will take up to 2-3 weeks before all material, etc is entered.]


DSCN1551.JPG - DSCN1557.JPG - DSCN1561.JPG -

On the Third Day - cannabis collage





1. The Constitution authorizes Parliament to make laws in certain areas of jurisdiction and,

2. Senators and Members of Parliament both study, debate and often amend legislative proposals or “bills” and,

3. Bills are usually proposed by the government and introduced in the House of Commons and,

4. The Senate also initiates legislation; bills collecting or spending public funds must originate in the Commons.

5. Both Houses must approve bills in identical form before they can become law.

6. Bills become law when they receive Royal Assent, on a date specified in the bill or on a date set by Order-in-Council.

7. The Preamble reads Whereas Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the rule of law.

Does the Constitution authorize Parliament to legislate policy that ignores established and relevant conclusions where cannabis is concerned? Not according to the “principles that recognize” in the Preamble (of the Charter).

  • In light of the Senate Report of 2002 on Cannabis how can the apprehension of harm about cannabis be considered valid when the continuation of PROHIBITION is known to jeopardize the health and well-being of Canadians MUCH MORE than does cannabis itself; how does apprehension (or principle) of harm justify a prohibition that jeopardizes?

  • What does that say about those who embrace such meretriciousness in order to enhance a pre-existing impression that prohibition is justified? And what of the tens of thousands who are victimized annually because of prohibition? And what of the rest that are left with a perception, now compounded, of those fears already established?

  • How can lauding a blatant pretense like prohibition as a “step in the right direction” inspire confidence in Queen, Country, Institutions or the System when the residual aftermath of PROHIBITION can already be seen in virtually every city, every town and every province in Canada?

  • Reinforced drug law is a “step in the right direction” to what? Considering we know that when the establishment of a justification further augments that which compounds all pre-existing jeopardy, that, in and of itself, is all part of a process endemic to that which leads to state orchestrated atrocity which future generations are left to sort out at an even greater cost and our eternal shame, how can that inspire confidence in anything or anyone (involved) except God?

It is time for a moratorium on the inclusion of cannabis in the CDSA until these matters are sorted out. Failing that, cannabis offenses should no longer be recognized by Law.

Thank you

©Rev. Bro. W. P. Phillips 2008

all rights reserved

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